
Top 10 NGOs in Bangladesh Review 2022

অক্টো. 18, 2022, 11:57 পূর্বাহ্ন

Let's take a look at the Top 10 NGOs in Bangladesh. Since the early 2000s, Bangladeshi NGOs have been working hard to build a better life for the people of Bangladesh. They play an essential role in the community by providing access to education, healthcare, and other social services 


Bangladeshi NGOs are unique organizations that play a significant role in the community. We have listed the top 10 Bangladeshi NGOs which are benefitting the people of Bangladesh by reducing poverty, improving education and creating equality in society.


                   Top 10 NGOs in Bangladesh Review 

         1) BRAC 

         2) Jagorani Chakra Foundation 

         3) ASA

         4) Caritas Bangladesh

         5) Care Bangladesh

         6) Buro Bangladesh

         7) Oxfam in Bangladesh

         8) Wikimedia Foundation (WMF)

         9) Shakti Foundation

         10) TMSS (Thengamara Mohila Sabuj Sangha)


01. BRAC

BRAC (Bharat Ratna Akhil Basheer Parishad) is a Bangladeshi NGO focusing on a wide range of services and support to the poor, including providing healthcare, education, and economic opportunities. 


The purpose of BRAC is to provide an environment that will pr

otect vulnerable populations from harmful events or factors like natural disasters or climate change. This includes creating safe havens for refugees, supporting communities at risk from conflict and providing critical support during emergencies.


02. Jagorani Chakra Foundation


Jagorani Chakra Foundation is an organization that offers solutions to the most common chakra questions. They have an expansive knowledge of the chakras and want you to have access to it too.

Jagorani Chakra Foundation provides various services to people who have traveled and received chakra readings. These services include:

  1. Chakra Reading
  2. Meditation and Relaxation Services
  3. Spirituality Sessions


Chakra Reading is the service that Jagorani Chakra Foundation offers that allows people to receive a reading from a chakra advisor or specialist about their chakras and the best way to use them for spiritual growth and wellbeing.


Meditation and relaxation services help you get rid of stress and improve your overall health by allowing you to relax completely without interference from outside sources.

Spirituality sessions allow you to connect with your energy, which can help improve your overall well-being.


03. ASA


The ASA was created in 2013 to help improve the lives of the country's most vulnerable citizens. ASA has a history of working with grassroots organizations and community-based initiatives to challenge and prevent social injustice. With a focus on human rights, development programming, and public health, 


The ASA NGO Bangladesh is an important institution for the development of Bangladesh because it provides a voice to the voiceless, resources and support to vulnerable communities, and helps empower women. ASA also provi

des education and training opportunities for Bangladeshi members, allowing them to become more self-reliant and active in their communities.


04. Caritas Bangladesh


Caritas NGO is a humanitarian organization founded in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in 1984. The organization's mission is to help the poor and vulnerable in the country. Caritas operates in Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet and other parts of Bangladesh.


Caritas remains a significant player in Bangladeshi relief efforts. It operates two main relief programs – the Dhaka-based Caritas Trust, which helps provide food and living essentials to people in need and offers financial assistance for business development and education initiatives and health care services for the general population.


05. CARE Bangladesh

CARE Bangladesh has been instrumental in helping to break the cycle of poverty and assist those living below the poverty line. CARE has helped individuals and families escape poverty through education, healthcare, and economic empowerment through its work.


CARE also helps to improve poverty reduction through its work with local nutritionists. These organizations provide safe and healthy diets for the poorest households in Bangladeshi communities, as well as training and support for farmers to produce better food that meets the needs of their families.


06. BURO Bangladesh


The Buro Bangladesh NGO is a nonprofit organization that helps grassroots organizations in Bangladesh by providing them with financial and technical assistance.


The Buro Bangladesh NGO helps to develop and promote social and economic justice in Bangladesh. This includes working to improve the quality of life for the people of Bangladesh and raising awareness about human rights abuses and state-sponsored violence.




OXFAM's work in Bangladesh focuses on improving the quality of life for all citizens, including women and children, who are affected by poverty, violence, and lack of access to education, healthcare, food, and other basic needs. Oxfam works with local partners to build strong social movements that demand change from their governments and institutions to achieve this goal.


08. Wikimedia Foundation (WMF)


The Wikipedia Foundation is a nonprofit organization with a mission to improve the quality of life for everyone. Its work in Bangladesh has increased access to information, education, and creativity for people who live there.


The Wikimedia Foundation's goal is to make the Wikimedia projects available to everyone, regardless of socio-economic status or geographical location. In Bangladesh, they are working to make this possible by providing funding and support for infrastructure, training and development,


09. Shakti Foundation


The Shakti Foundation Bangladesh is a platform for advocating for equality and social justice. They provide a way for people to connect and share their stories, learn about the issues they care about, and make a difference.


They work for social justice in Bangladesh on issues like gender equality, human trafficking, and climate change. They help people achieve their goals by working to create a society that is free from discrimination and injustice.


10. TMSS (Thengamara Mohila Sabuj Sangha)


Thengamara Mohila Sabuj Sangha is a place to connect and grow. The sangha provides a forum for people of all ages to share their experiences, learn from each other, and build relationships. It also offers online discussion boards, support grou

ps, and learning circles.


Bangladeshi NGOs play a vital part in supporting social order and solidarity in the country. The Top 10 NGOs in Bangladesh are fully committed to helping the less fortunate in their country with care and generosity.