
Government and Private Job information in Bangladesh:

মে 7, 2021, 10:07 অপরাহ্ন

If you are a Jobseeker in Bangladesh you should spend your valuable time only as it is a one-stop solution for you, as you can find below:

- is arranged for you by Teletalk, the only state-owned mobile operator of the country – which will keep you ahead in many stages of notifications.

-         Government  Job!, Teletalk is circulating and managing online job applications for maximum Government Organization for years and hence you will have them on before any other source.

-         You will enjoy Auto Uploading of all your required data to make a new job submission and a very smart and easy application for your matched job!

-         All types of applies are supported only in the platform! 

▪   ‘Standard and Ready Resume’ or 

▪   ‘Customized Resume’ 

▪    ‘Govt. Form Fill up Apply with recorded data’ 

▪      Certificate Upload facilities

Whatever is the demand of the recruiters, your profile in is ready to be a part! 

If you are a Recruiter in Bangladesh you should spend your valuable time only on as it is a one-stop solution for you, as you can find below:

- is arranged for you by Teletalk, the only stat

e-owned mobile operator of the country – which will assure you the largest no’s of applicant’s regular attention!

-         Verified Data! This is the only platform where we can have the verified data of the huge no’s of your applicants.

-         Government  Job!, Teletalk is circulating and managing online job applications for maximum Government Organization for years and hence your target applicants will have them on before any other source. Government Job information is also available at


-         As if for you from Teletalk, Notification in every layer of the recruitment process is smooth, assured, and prompt as well. Cost is obviously the minimum as a government mobile operator in Bangladesh. Teletalk serves the people and nation as a part of Digital Bangladesh's partner. 


Want to be a Premium Member of

  1. To register at, you have to pay a charge of Tk. 10.
  2. Facilities of Premium Member:
  1. SMS/ Email notifications related to his/ her Education and Experiences. 
  2. Verified data (Name, Father Name, Mother Name, SSC, HSC, DOB etc.)
  3. Certificate Upload facilities (NID, SSC, HSC, Graduation/Honors etc)
  4. Unlimite
d Job applies facility.
  • Autofill data facilities for Government Organization
  •  Live chat (Messenger, Facebook, etc.)

    If you want to get the above opportunities as a Premium Member, send 02 SMS in the following format from any Teletalk Mobile number:- 

    1st SMS Format: ALLJOBS <space> <Tracking ID> and send SMS to 16222

      [Example: ALLJOBS FWLBBR4C]. 

    1st SMS Reply: Mr. XXXX, Tk. 10 will be charged for Premium Member. Your PIN       is 12345678. To pay fee, Type ALLJOBS YES 12345678

    2nd SMS Format: ALLJOBS <space> <YES> <space> <PIN> and send SMS to 16222

    [Example: ALLJOBS YES 12345678]. 

    2nd SMS Reply: Congratulations! Mr. XXXX, You are now a Premium Member and will get all the opportunities of Premium Member as stated above. Your Tracking ID(FWLBBR4C) & Password(T784364363T)

    List of the social links:


    1. Facebook:

    2. Twitter:

    3. YouTube:

    4. Instagram:

    5. LinkedIn:


    strong>For any type of question or query, feel free to email us: